Holzhof S.r.l.

Via Rupe, 33
I-38017 Mezzolombardo (TN)
Tel +39 0461 601 501 

Mail info@holzhof.com Mail PEC: info@pec.holzhof.com
VAT Number: 01762120226
Share Capital: € 1.161.000,00 Fully Paid-Up
Trento R.E.A.: Registration No. 109171 
Tax Code: 00458210218


Office Lana

Holzhof Srl
Boznerstr., 2
I-39011 Lana (BZ)
Tel +39 0473 562 977

  Reach in Google Maps

Closest international airports:

  • Verona Airport "Valerio Catullo" (distance approx. 120 km) 
  • To come from the West: Bergamo Airport "Orio al Serio" (distance approx. 200 km) 
  • To come from the East: Venice Airport "Marco Polo" (distance approx. 230 km)


Martin Malleier

Tel +39 0461 1746047


Gottfried Malleier

Tel +39 0461 601501


Erhard Malleier

Tel. +39 0461 1746037


Philipp Malleier

Tel +39 0461 1746001

Coordination of agents network

Gianpaolo Arnoldi

Tel +39 0461 1746033

Marketing & Communication

Elisa Martini

+39 0461 17 46 013

Technical dept.

Danilo Altieri

Tel +39 0461 1746010

Offers and sales & On-line Market – Italy

Nicola Celadin

Tel +39 0461 1746039

Offers and sales – Italy

Erjon Muca

Tel +39 0461 1746029

Export dept.- International offers & sales

Sabrina Dalsant

Tel +39 0461 1746036

Offers and sales & Installations - Italy

Armando Pezzi

Tel +39 0461 1746049

Technical Office

Engineer Mauro Zanon

Tel +39 0461 1746075

Technical dept.

Massimo Slomp

Tel +39 0461 1746034

Technical Office

Engineer Mauro Zanon

Tel +39 0461 1746046

Quality and Certification System - Testing Dept. & On-line Market

Morena Veronig

Tel +39 0461 1746031

Quality and certification system - Claims Office & Playground Inspections

Patrizia Vicenzi

Tel +39 0461 1746035

Administration dept.

Lorena Pezzi

Tel +39 0461 1746016

Logistics and supplies

Roberto Schillaci

Tel +39 0461 1746043

Invoicing dept.

Alessandra Tait

Tel +39 0461 1746040

Administration and accounting dept.

Elisabeth Malleier

Tel +39 0473 562977

Administration and accounting dept.

Elisabeth Seppi

Tel +39 0473 562977

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